Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Alegria na Colômbia • Joy in Colombia

ENG • I've just discovered that Alegria (Joy), a short movie that I participated as a Cinematographer, color grader and post-producer has been selected to the "Festival Internacional Cine al Mar" in Santa Marta, Colombia. The festival is one of the most important in that country. The director of the shorty is Muller Barone and the producer is Juliana Caimi. We are competing in the Best Short Movie category. That is the second international festival we'll be screened, the first one was Palm Springs.I've just discovered that Alegria (Joy), a short movie that I participated as a Cinematographer, color grader and post-producer has been selected to the "Festival Internacional Cine al Mar" in Santa Marta, Colombia. The festival is one of the most important in that country. The director of the shorty is Muller Barone and the producer is Juliana Caimi. We are competing in the Best Short Movie category. That is the second international festival we'll be screened, the first one was Palm Springs.

POR • O curta metragem "Alegria" dirigido por Muller Müller Barone, e cuja fotografia, colorização e finalização foram de minha responsabilidade, está nos trazendo muitas alegrias adicionais. Acabamos de ser informados que estamos concorrendo na categoria de Melhor Curta-Metragem no "El Festival Internacional Cine al Mar" em Santa Marta, na Colômbia. Santa Marta, na parte colombiana do Caribe, abriga um importante polo cinematográfico (e turístico) daquele país. Parabenizo o diretor e toda equipe técnica e os atores pelo grande trabalho.
IMPORTANTE: não posso deixar de citar a Valquiria Jablinski que participou também no início das gravações como braço direito (e esquerdo) do Barone.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

They did it again - OK-GO

POR • E eles fizeram de novo, a banda OK-GO lançou mais um daqueles planos sequência insanos. Desta vez eles brincam com vários efeitos de ilusão de ótica.

ENG • And they did it again, OK-GO released one of those insane long sequence shots. This time they play with various optical illusions effects.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Michele Multiplying

Michele Multiplying is a short movie that demonstrates how one can really make a difference towards the protection of the environment and the maintenance of our basic and essential natural resources, such as water. There are many easy and cost less actions we can do in our lives every single day that multiplied by the population of a city, a country, a continent can make a huge difference. It is only a matter of wanting.

• Screenplay, direction, cinematography and post production by Raphael Bittencourt

• Production and assistant: Muller Barone

• Actress: Michele Werneck

• Original soundtrack: Marco Duboc

Monday, April 7, 2014


POR • Na última semana passamos vários dias revisando e separando diversos dos materiais audiovisuais nos quais tivemos participação. Nossa maior atuação, claro foi com a cinematografia, mas em vários trabalhos o roteiro, a direção, o color grading, a edição e a finalização foram feitos por nós. O resultado dessa revisão até agora foram estes dois “demo reels” abaixo e mais alguns que estão por vir. Apenas para vocês saberem, a grande maioria das imagens foi captada com uma Canon 5DMkII, editada em Adobe Premiere CC e finalizada em After Effects. Alguns efeitos produzidos em 3D Studio Max e Adobe Photoshop.

ENG • During the last week we spent several days reviewing and organizing various of the audiovisual pieces we have helped to happen. Our biggest role, of course, was cinematography, but in various jobs the script, the direction, the color grading, the editing and the finalization were made by us too. The result of this review until now is these two demo reels below and some more that are about to come. Just for you to know, most of the images were recorded with a Canon 5DMkII, edited in Adobe Premiere CC and finalized in Adobe After Effects. Some effects were produced in 3D Studio Max ans Adobe Photoshop.